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Resurfacing of GC-600

Resurfacing of GC-600

Written by Martin Haugo | Updated May 28, 2024 | Category - Announcements

Cabildo de Gran Canaria is announcing that they are starting the resurfacing of GC-600 between Ayacata and Cruz de las Llanos. This is the section of road that passes by Roque Nublo, Llanos de la Pez and is the steepest part of the ride from Maspalomas to the top of the island, Pico de las Nieves. Many cyclists have had this resurfacing on their wishlist for a long time and many bottles have been lost in the meantime.

Screenshot from Google Maps showing the GC600 from Ayacata to Cruz de los Llanos
Screenshot from Google Maps
Anja cycling from Ayacata towards Roque Nublo on GC600

View over Ayacata from GC600